Top 10 Tips to Successfully Implement the Low FODMAP Diet for IBS Relief

One of the best known ways to tackle IBS symptoms is through dietary changes - and I'm not just saying that because I'm an IBS dietitian! The low FODMAP diet is a three-phase medical nutrition protocol developed out of Monash University, which involves selectively reducing or eliminating certain types of carbohydrates known as FODMAPs, then gradually reintroducing each FODMAP group one at a time in order to maximize diet diversity while minimizing symptoms. To help you navigate this journey successfully, here are my top 10 tips, backed by research and expert recommendations, to implement the low FODMAP diet with confidence and achieve lasting relief from IBS symptoms.

  1. Educate Yourself about FODMAPs

    Understanding which foods are high or low in FODMAPs is an essential first step. There are a plethora of websites, free PDFs online, and apps on the subject, but I would strongly advise you to use caution when turning to non-validated resources like these. Many of them are out-of-date or simply inaccurate, which can add fuel to the fire of an already-complex nutrition protocol. Instead, I recommend that those interested in the low FODMAP protocol for IBS management learn a bit about it by first visiting Monash University's official website ( for a comprehensive list of foods categorized by their FODMAP content. This resource serves as a valuable reference to guide your food choices and meal planning, and will also provide background as to the three phases of the diet, how it was developed, and how to find expert support in implementing the diet with a FODMAP-trained dietitian. This brings us to the next point!

  2. Work with an IBS & FODMAP Specialized Registered Dietitian

    Consulting a registered dietitian who specializes in IBS and the low FODMAP diet can provide personalized guidance and support throughout your journey. Prior studies have shown that working with a dietitian can also increase IBS patient's success in finding symptom relief via the diet, versus going it alone. We can help you create a customized meal plan, navigate FODMAP challenges and long-term diet diversification, and ensure you meet your nutritional needs. Use the "Find a Dietitian" tool on the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics website ( to locate a qualified professional in your area or refer to the Monash University FODMAP Registered Dietitians Directory (

  3. Keep a Food Symptom Journal

    Maintaining a food symptom journal can help you identify trigger foods and track your progress. Better yet - it may help you to identify scenarios where you may have been blaming foods for your symptoms, when in fact, food is not the primary culprit triggering your IBS! Note down the foods you eat, portion sizes, and any symptoms experienced after each meal, but be sure to also note other key information like sleep quality, hydration, stress, exercise, menstrual cycle, supplements, and medications as well. This journal will provide valuable insights that will guide you in tailoring your diet  lifestyle adjustments to suit your specific needs.

  4. Plan Some of Your Meals and Snacks

    Meal planning a few meals and snacks per week is extremely helpful for success on the low FODMAP diet. Create a weekly meal plan and ensure it includes a variety of low FODMAP foods to meet your nutritional requirements, or simply use a low FODMAP grocery list that you can mix-and-match at home.

  5. Keep Eating Delicious Foods & Experiment with Recipe Modifications

    Low FODMAP does not have to be boring and miserable. In fact, it should not be if we want to truly arm you for success! Adapting your favorite recipes to be low FODMAP-friendly can be enjoyable and satisfying. Explore low FODMAP recipe websites like FODMAP Everyday (, where you'll find several recipes I've developed) and The FODMAP Formula ( for inspiration and creative ideas. Make adjustments to ingredients, spices, and cooking methods to make meals that are both delicious and suitable for your dietary needs.

  6. Be Mindful of Hidden FODMAPs

    Once you've gotten your feet wet in learning the basics of the low FODMAP diet, you can delve into more advanced topics like label-reading for FODMAP content. FODMAPs can hide in various food products and additives. Read food labels carefully to identify ingredients that may contain high FODMAP components. Websites like the International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders ( provide helpful information on identifying hidden sources of FODMAPs.

  7. Be Aware of Portion Sizes

    While some foods may be low in FODMAPs in smaller amounts, they can become high FODMAP if consumed in large quantities. Be mindful of portion sizes to prevent FODMAP overload. The Monash University FODMAP app provides portion size guidance for specific foods to help you stay within the recommended limits, as well as the FODMAP Friendly App which has a very useful percentage function to help prevent FODMAP stacking.

  8. Never Skip Your FODMAP Reintroductions

    After a brief 2-6 week period of following a strict low FODMAP diet, it's important to reintroduce FODMAP-containing foods systematically to identify your personal triggers in order to ensure that the beneficial microbes in your gut continue having access to the important prebiotic fiber fuel that feeds their functionality. The Reintroduction phase of the diet, or Phase 2, helps you determine your individual tolerance level to each FODMAP group and expand your diet while maintaining symptom control. This is a phase where it is extremely important to work closely with your dietitian to ensure accuracy, minimize confusion, and maximize likelihood of successful implementation.

  9. Seek Emotional Support

    Living with a chronic condition like IBS can take an emotional toll. Connecting with others who understand your journey can provide much-needed support and encouragement, and may even bolster your likelihood of success when implementing a low FODMAP protocol. Join online support groups such as the Irritable Bowel Syndrome Self Help and Support Group ( to connect with individuals who share similar experiences.

  10. Consider Joining the Plant-Based IBS Master Method!

    If you're ready to take your IBS journey to the next level, I invite you to apply for my flagship program, the Plant-Based IBS Master Method. This comprehensive program is designed specifically for ambitious women with IBS who want to conquer their most stubborn symptoms, diversify their diet, and feel good in their bodies again. The program is available in three levels of increasing support, depending on your individual needs: a self-paced implementation course, a hybrid 1:1 and group program, and a private VIP intensive. 

Implementing the low FODMAP diet requires knowledge, guidance, and support. By educating yourself, working with a registered dietitian, tracking your progress, and utilizing valuable resources, you can successfully navigate the low FODMAP journey. Remember, the Plant-Based IBS Master Method is here to support you on your path to lasting relief from IBS symptoms. Apply today and take the first step towards a symptom-free and energetic life.

Are you ready to break free & feel good in your body again?

Join the Plant-Based IBS Master Method. Not to learn another diet, but to learn the exact steps you need to take to live a new lifestyle that is free from the restriction & stress that your bloating, food intolerance, low energy, & unpredictable bowel habits have brought to your life.  The program is available in 3 levels of support: private coaching, a group mastermind, or a self-paced implementation course. You are one step away from radiant IBS freedom.